InvestAcc Pension Administration

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Literature and Forms


Minerva SIPP schedule of fees

Details of the fees applying to the Minerva SIPP. We reserve the right to review these fees from time to time.

Minerva SIPP schedule of fees (212 kb)

Monthly service report

Service standards

Our normal service standards for our SIPP products. Note that these are indicative and we cannot guarantee we will meet them.

Service standards (74 kb)

Key features

This is an important document that provides the key features of the Minerva SIPP.

Key features (256 kb)

An introduction to our products and services

A brief guide to who we are and what we do

An introduction to our products and services (6 mb)

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions document for the Minerva SIPP.

Terms and conditions (251 kb)

Tax relief calendar

Details of when tax relief should be received, for personal contributions to your SIPP.

Tax relief calendar (81 kb)

SIPP Lite v Minerva SIPP (comparison for adviser use only)

This document is for financial adviser use only - it should not be distributed to or relied upon by private individuals.

SIPP Lite v Minerva SIPP (comparison for adviser use only) (39 kb)

Our privacy policy

Application Forms

SIPP application pack – for customers with a financial adviser

This document can be used to set up a new Minerva SIPP, it is in a new condensed format which includes the Supplemental Deed and forms for up to 3 transfers in.

SIPP application pack – for customers with a financial adviser (718 kb)

Cash transfer in request (for customers without a financial adviser)

To transfer additional pension plans into a Minerva SIPP. Note that certain transfers cannot be done without advice from a suitably authorised financial adviser. Some pension schemes may also require their own discharge forms to be completed.

Cash transfer in request (for customers without a financial adviser) (258 kb)

In-specie transfer in request (for customers without a financial adviser)

Please complete this form is you wish to make an in-specie transfer of assets to an existing Minerva SIPP plan. If the transfer includes commercial property and land, please also remember to complete a Property & Land Questionnaire for In-Specie Transfers.

In-specie transfer in request (for customers without a financial adviser) (303 kb)

Cash transfer in request (for customers with a financial adviser)

To transfer additional pension plans into a Minerva SIPP. Note that certain transfers cannot be done without advice from a suitably authorised financial adviser. Some pension schemes may also require their own discharge forms to be completed.

Cash transfer in request (for customers with a financial adviser) (271 kb)

In-specie transfer in request (for customers with a financial adviser)

Please complete this form is you wish to make an in-specie transfer of assets to an existing Minerva SIPP plan. If the transfer includes commercial property and land, please also remember to complete a Property & Land Questionnaire for In-Specie Transfers.

In-specie transfer in request (for customers with a financial adviser) (320 kb)

SIPP application pack – for customers without a financial adviser

This is a special version of our application pack, for Minerva SIPP and SIPP Lite customers who do not have a financial adviser. This form should not be used in any other circumstances.

SIPP application pack – for customers without a financial adviser (582 kb)

Property Purchase

Property and land questionnaire – for new purchases

Property and land questionnaire – for in-specie transfers between pension schemes

SIPP guide to development works

We may allow your SIPP to develop commercial property and land, read this guide to find out more.

SIPP guide to development works (214 kb)

Guide to panel solicitors

Read about our solicitors panel, including details of specially negotiated terms for standard transaction types.

Guide to panel solicitors (2 mb)

Guide to SIPP property purchase

Guide to SIPP Property Purchase. It is a practical guide to the process and costs involved in acquiring property via a SIPP pension scheme.

Guide to SIPP property purchase (3 mb)

Guide to SIPP in-specie property transfers

A useful guide to transfers of commercial property and land into your SIPP, from another pension scheme.

Guide to SIPP in-specie property transfers (3 mb)


Permitted investments

This document outlines the Permitted Investments for our SIPP plans. Note that we reserve the right to review or alter the information in this document, without notice.

Permitted investments (188 kb)

Metro Bank plc Fixed Term Deposits (as at 8th November 2024)

InvestAcc may receive up to 0.2% each year from Metro Bank plc, based on the value of your Fixed Term Deposits. Note that the rates shown have not been reduced by this payment.

Metro Bank plc Fixed Term Deposits (as at 8th November 2024) (687 kb)

Metro Bank plc interest rates (from 1st December 2024)

Details of the interest rate applicable to deposits with Metro Bank plc from 1st December 2024. Note that rates are variable.

Metro Bank plc interest rates (from 1st December 2024) (165 kb)


Benefit request (flexible options)

for all flexible payment requests from member plans (not for use with beneficiary plans).

Benefit request (flexible options) (497 kb)

Benefit request (for beneficiary plans only)

this form should be used for benefit requests for SIPP BENEFICIARY PLANS only.

Benefit request (for beneficiary plans only) (453 kb)

Benefit request (annuity purchase)

Benefit request (small pension lump sums)

for all small pension lump sum requests (also known as small pots payments). Not for use with beneficiary plans.

Benefit request (small pension lump sums) (438 kb)

Miscellaneous Forms

Nomination of beneficiaries

To alter an existing nomination, or where none has previously been made.

Nomination of beneficiaries (243 kb)

Adviser agreement

for appointing or changing a financial adviser. This form also incorporates an agreement to pay your adviser fees, where applicable.

Adviser agreement (250 kb)

Transfer out request

To transfer your pension to another registered pension scheme

Transfer out request (418 kb)

Supplementary contributions

To make additional contributions to existing SIPP plans.

Supplementary contributions (321 kb)

Guide to SIPP death benefits

Information about SIPP death benefits.

Guide to SIPP death benefits (220 kb)

Change of address form

Please complete this form if you wish to tell us about your new address.

Change of address form (44 kb)

SIPP beneficiary application pack (not to be used for any other purposes)

This form should only be used to establish new BENEFICIARY plans. It cannot be used in any other circumstances.

SIPP beneficiary application pack (not to be used for any other purposes) (453 kb)


SIPP Lite schedule of fees

Details of the fees applying to SIPP Lite. We reserve the right to review these fees from time to time.

SIPP Lite schedule of fees (186 kb)

Monthly service report

Service standards

Our normal service standards for our SIPP products. Note that these are indicative and we cannot guarantee we will meet them.

Service standards (74 kb)

Key features

Key features of the SIPP Lite plan.

Key features (274 kb)

An introduction to our products and services

A brief guide to who we are and what we do

An introduction to our products and services (6 mb)

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions for the full Minerva SIPP scheme, which incorporates SIPP Lite.

Terms and conditions (251 kb)

Tax relief calendar

Details of when tax relief should be received, for personal contributions to your SIPP.

Tax relief calendar (81 kb)

SIPP Lite v Minerva SIPP (comparison for adviser use only)

This document is for financial adviser use only - it should not be distributed to or relied upon by private individuals.

SIPP Lite v Minerva SIPP (comparison for adviser use only) (39 kb)

Our privacy policy

Application Forms

SIPP application pack – for customers with a financial adviser

This document can be used to set up a new SIPP Lite, it is in a new condensed format which includes the Supplemental Deed and forms for up to 3 transfers in.

SIPP application pack – for customers with a financial adviser (718 kb)

Cash transfer in request (for customers with a financial adviser)

To transfer additional pension plans into a SIPP Lite. Note that certain transfers cannot be done without advice from a suitably authorised financial adviser. Some pension schemes may also require their own discharge forms to be completed.

Cash transfer in request (for customers with a financial adviser) (271 kb)

In-specie transfer in request (for customers with a financial adviser)

Please complete this form is you wish to make an in-specie transfer of assets to an existing SIPP Lite plan.

In-specie transfer in request (for customers with a financial adviser) (320 kb)

Cash transfer in request (for customers without a financial adviser)

To transfer additional pension plans into a SIPP Lite. Note that certain transfers cannot be done without advice from a suitably authorised financial adviser. Some pension schemes may also require their own discharge forms to be completed.

Cash transfer in request (for customers without a financial adviser) (258 kb)

In-specie transfer in request (for customers without a financial adviser)

Please complete this form is you wish to make an in-specie transfer of assets to an existing SIPP Lite plan.

In-specie transfer in request (for customers without a financial adviser) (303 kb)

SIPP application pack – for customers without a financial adviser

This is a special version of our application pack, for Minerva SIPP and SIPP Lite customers who do not have a financial adviser. This form should not be used in any other circumstances.

SIPP application pack – for customers without a financial adviser (582 kb)


Permitted investments

note that the SIPP Lite has additional investment restrictions – see Key Features

Permitted investments (188 kb)

Metro Bank plc Fixed Term Deposits (as at 8th November 2024)

InvestAcc may receive up to 0.2% each year from Metro Bank plc, based on the value of your Fixed Term Deposits. Note that the rates shown have not been reduced by this payment.

Metro Bank plc Fixed Term Deposits (as at 8th November 2024) (687 kb)

Metro Bank plc interest rates (from 1st December 2024)

Details of the interest rate applicable to deposits with Metro Bank plc from 1st December 2024. Note that rates are variable.

Metro Bank plc interest rates (from 1st December 2024) (165 kb)


Benefit request (flexible options)

for all flexible payment requests from member plans (not for use with beneficiary plans).

Benefit request (flexible options) (497 kb)

Benefit request (for beneficiary plans only)

this form should be used for benefit requests for SIPP BENEFICIARY PLANS only.

Benefit request (for beneficiary plans only) (453 kb)

Benefit request (annuity purchase)

Benefit request (small pension lump sums)

for all small pension lump sum requests (also known as small pots payments). Not for use with beneficiary plans.

Benefit request (small pension lump sums) (438 kb)


Nomination of beneficiaries

to alter an existing nomination, or where none has previously been made

Nomination of beneficiaries (243 kb)

Adviser agreement

for appointing or changing a Financial Adviser. This form also incorporates an agreement to pay your adviser fees, where applicable.

Adviser agreement (250 kb)

Transfer out request

to transfer your pension to another registered pension scheme

Transfer out request (418 kb)

Supplementary contributions

for additional contributions to existing plans

Supplementary contributions (321 kb)

Guide to SIPP death benefits

Information about SIPP death benefits.

Guide to SIPP death benefits (220 kb)

Change of address form

Please complete this form if you wish to tell us about your new address.

Change of address form (44 kb)

SIPP beneficiary application pack (not to be used for any other purposes)

This form should only be used to establish new BENEFICIARY plans. It cannot be used in any other circumstances.

SIPP beneficiary application pack (not to be used for any other purposes) (453 kb)


SSAS services and fees

A guide to our SSAS services and fees. We reserve the right to review our fees and services at any time.

SSAS services and fees (241 kb)

SSAS key features

The key features of our SSAS product.

SSAS key features (237 kb)

An introduction to our products and services

A brief guide to who we are and what we do

An introduction to our products and services (6 mb)

Guide to SSAS

An introduction to SSAS from InvestAcc.

Guide to SSAS (2 mb)

SSAS Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions for our SSAS product, with effect from 1st September 2024.

SSAS Terms and Conditions (232 kb)

SSAS service standards

Our normal service standards for our SSAS arrangements. Note that these are indicative and we cannot guarantee we will meet them.

SSAS service standards (80 kb)

Monthly service report

Details of our service standard achievements over the last 12 months.

Monthly service report (181 kb)

SSAS takeover checklist

A useful guide to the documents we need and the process for SSAS takeovers.

SSAS takeover checklist (641 kb)

Our privacy policy

Details of our privacy policy.

Our privacy policy (392 kb)

Application Forms (new schemes and takeovers)

SSAS new scheme establishment application

Please complete this form to start the process of establishing a new SSAS.

SSAS new scheme establishment application (449 kb)

SSAS takeover application

Please complete this form if you wish to move an existing SSAS to InvestAcc.

SSAS takeover application (514 kb)


SSAS loan application

The loan application also includes a guide to our rules for loanbacks.

SSAS loan application (225 kb)


SSAS property & land questionnaire (for new purchases)

Please complete one of these for each property you wish your SSAS to purchase.

SSAS property & land questionnaire (for new purchases) (522 kb)

SSAS property & land questionnaire (in-specie transfers from other registered pension schemes)

Please complete one of these forms for each property you wish to transfer from other registered pension schemes, on an in-specie basis.

SSAS property & land questionnaire (in-specie transfers from other registered pension schemes) (522 kb)

SSAS property & land questionnaire (for scheme takeovers)

One of these forms must be completed for each property held in an existing SSAS which you wish to move the InvestAcc, as part of a scheme takeover.

SSAS property & land questionnaire (for scheme takeovers) (474 kb)

SSAS guide to development works

A guide to our requirements when developing commercial property and land.

SSAS guide to development works (214 kb)

Guide to panel solicitors

Read about our solicitors panel, including details of specially negotiated terms for standard transaction types.

Guide to panel solicitors (2 mb)

Guide to SSAS in-specie property transfers

A useful guide to transfers of commercial property and land into your SSAS, from another pension scheme.

Guide to SSAS in-specie property transfers (3 mb)

Guide to SSAS property purchase

A practical guide to SSAS property purchase.

Guide to SSAS property purchase (3 mb)


SSAS Permitted Investments

This document outlines the Permitted Investments for our SSAS plans. Note that we reserve the right to review or alter the information in this document, without notice.

SSAS Permitted Investments (186 kb)

SSAS Investment Application

This form must be submitted with all investments.

SSAS Investment Application (68 kb)

Metro Bank plc interest rates (from 1st December 2024)

The interest rates applicable to SSAS customers with Metro Bank plc trustee bank accounts, from 1st December 2024. Note that rates are variable and may change at any time.

Metro Bank plc interest rates (from 1st December 2024) (164 kb)

Metro Bank plc Fixed Term Deposits (as at 8th November 2024)

InvestAcc may receive up to 0.2% each year from Metro Bank plc, based on the value of your Fixed Term Deposits. Note that the rates shown have not been reduced by this payment.

Metro Bank plc Fixed Term Deposits (as at 8th November 2024) (687 kb)


SSAS benefit payment request form (flexible options)

The be completed for all flexible payment requests

SSAS benefit payment request form (flexible options) (486 kb)

SSAS benefit payment request form (annuity purchase)


SSAS transfer in request

To transfer in benefits from other registered pension schemes. Note that you may also need to obtain discharge forms from the transferring pension scheme.

SSAS transfer in request (307 kb)

SSAS transfer out request

To be completed when a member or beneficiaries wishes to transfer their benefits to another registered pension scheme.

SSAS transfer out request (313 kb)

Nomination of beneficiaries

To provide an indication as to nominated beneficiaries.

Nomination of beneficiaries (243 kb)

SSAS new member application

This form should be completed when adding a new member trustee to an existing SSAS

SSAS new member application (235 kb)

Guide to SSAS death benefits

Information about SSAS death benefits.

Guide to SSAS death benefits (219 kb)

Standing order mandate