The following information should be helpful to existing SIPP members, if you have a question that isn’t answered here then please get in touch.
If you have a financial adviser you should speak to them. If you do not have an adviser you can find ones in your area using a service like or We are not authorized to give you financial advice
We publish a Permitted Investment list on our website Note that the list of Permitted Investments is revised from time to time, and we reserve the right to add or remove investments from the list without notice. We may also decline certain investments, at our discretion.
Please send us the application form for the particular investment / investment account that you require, fully completed, including the amount you want to invest. Many investments will require you to sign as co-trustee of your SIPP, along with us.
Our pension plans are governed by Scheme Rules, which state that it is not possible to make a withdrawal from your pension scheme, unless it is to pay retirement benefits. See the Key Features brochure for more information on this, or contact your financial adviser.
Our SIPP administration team can be contacted on 01228 538 988 during office hours (9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday). You can also email the team at [email protected]
We publish a list of service standards on our website, and we also publish a monthly service report. Note that timescales are not guaranteed.
Once a year, around the time of your plan anniversary, we will send you an annual review pack which will include updated valuations, where appropriate. We may also send you additional communications from time to time to meet our regulatory requirements.
As co-trustee you jointly own SIPP property, in your capacity as a trustee. You cannot directly access / withdraw any SIPP investments, as they are held on trust for the beneficiary. The scheme is governed by various Deeds and Rules which are there to ensure it can comply with HMRC’s requirements for Registered Pension Schemes.
If this is a new payment (either an alteration to an existing regular contribution, or a one-off top up payment) then you should complete a Supplementary Contribution application. This allows us to collect certain additional information required of us by HMRC. This form is available on our website.
You will have been provided with a user id and password, which will allow you to see basic information we hold for you, plus details of your current investments and transaction history.
There has been a huge increase in firms purporting to give access to pensions “early” and outside of the rules designed for UK Registered Pension Schemes. This typically involves some sort of fraud, and very high charges. Customers are usually approached by text message, where their details are sold on to firms practicing Pension Liberation, which can be a type of fraud. Tax penalties are enormous, and victims are often placed into investment schemes that can become worthless.
If you have any queries about the information on this site, and want to get in touch to ask a question then please contact us. We do not provide financial advice, but if you have a specific question of a technical or practical nature then we will do our best to answer it, without giving advice.
To speak to us, phone 01228 538 988 during office hours, 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday, or send an email to one of our dedicated teams at any time:
If you wish to send an email about any aspect of SIPP administration and transactions, please direct your email to the appropriate address:
SIPP New Business Admin – [email protected] including illustrations and the establishment of new SIPPs, requesting transfers from other providers, issuing new plan documentation.
Transfers In – [email protected] for applications to transfer other pension plans into your SIPP.
Investments – [email protected] for investment transactions under your SIPP (not including commercial property).
Taking Benefits – [email protected] if you wish to take benefits from your SIPP
Transfers Out – [email protected] if you wish to transfer your plan away from us.
Plan Servicing – [email protected] for matters such as valuations of your SIPP, change of address, appointment or change of financial adviser.
SIPP Admin Team – [email protected] use this for general administration matters, if you are unsure which to use.
SIPP Accounts Team – [email protected] this team deals with financial transactions and payments of fees.
The following teams deal with commercial property and land matters, within SIPP pension schemes:
Property Acquisitions Team – [email protected] This team handles the purchase of commercial property and land, as well as in-specie transfers from other registered pension schemes, and reallocation of shares of property between SIPP members.
Property (Post Acquisitions & Sales) – [email protected] This team deals with properties already owned by our SIPP and SSAS schemes, they ensure that properties are insured, leases are in place and rental income is received. The also deal with sales of properties.