InvestAcc Pension Administration

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New Team Mailboxes

As we continue to improve the ways in which you can get in touch with us, we have made some changes to our team mailboxes.

You can of course continue to write to us at our postal address, or speak to us by phone on 01228 538 988 during office hours, 9 am to 5 pm (Monday to Thursday) or 9 am to 4.30 pm (Friday), or send an email to one of our dedicated teams at any time.

Note that our product literature and forms are in the process of being updated to reflect these changes.

If you wish to send an email about any aspect of SIPP administration and transactions, please direct your email to the appropriate address:

SIPP New Business Admin – [email protected] including illustrations and the establishment of new SIPPs, requesting transfers from other providers, issuing new plan documentation.

Transfers In – [email protected] for applications to transfer other pension plans into your SIPP.

Investments – [email protected] for investment transactions under your SIPP (not including commercial property).

Taking Benefits – [email protected] if you wish to take benefits from your SIPP

Transfers Out – [email protected] if you wish to transfer your plan away from us.

Plan Servicing – [email protected] for matters such as valuations of your SIPP, change of address, appointment or change of financial adviser.

SIPP Admin Team – [email protected] use this for general administration matters, if you are unsure which to use.

SIPP Accounts Team – [email protected] this team deals with non-property related financial transactions and payments of fees.

SIPP Property Accounts Team – [email protected] this team deals with financial transactions relating to commercial property and land owned by SIPPs, including collection of rent.

The following team deals with most aspects of SSAS administration (other than aquisition of commercial property):

SSAS Team – [email protected] The SSAS team handles the establishment and day to day administration of our book of SSAS schemes. This includes work involved in taking over the trusteeship and administration of SSAS arrangements with other providers. They also deal with investments, and requests for benefit payments andf the day to day administration of property owned by our SSAS pension schemes.

The following teams deal with commercial property and land matters, within both SIPP and SSAS pension schemes:

Property Acquisitions Team – [email protected] This team handles the purchase of commercial property and land, as well as in-specie transfers from other registered pension schemes, and reallocation of shares of property between SIPP members.

Property (Post Acquisitions & Sales) – [email protected]  This team deals with properties already owned by our SIPP schemes, they ensure that properties are insured, leases are in place and rental income is received. The also deal with sales of properties.

Sales Technical Support – [email protected] Darryl assists our Business Development Managers, providing office based support to financial advisers around the UK.

May 22nd, 2023